The Importance of Regular Safety Checks of Your Garage Doors


Most homeowners think that buying garage doors is one-and-done. Many owners neglect their garage doors until they break and everything falls apart. When that happens, the repair can be costly, and the doors can damage property and injure someone when they malfunction. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Preventative maintenance and regular safety checks are the best way to ensure garage doors last longer and are safer to use. Here are some of the reasons to call a garage door service and schedule a safety check soon.

Preventing accidents

When garage doors malfunction, the springs may break and swing around. This can damage property or even cause severe injuries to an unsuspecting person. Malfunctions usually happen while opening the doors or performing other repairs, making them even more dangerous.

In a scheduled checkup, technicians will inspect the spring and pulley system for any signs of deterioration. They can then take all the safety precautions while making necessary repairs and ensure an accident-free environment.

Making the home safer

Most modern garage doors are automatic and use sensors to detect obstacles. Once the sensor detects a car passing below the doors, the motor closes them automatically. However, a glitch in the system can cause the doors to stay open and become an easy target for burglars.

A safety check will also look into the door’s software and sensors to ensure the doors open and close precisely when needed. Additionally, technicians can look into the safety mechanisms and locks to ensure they work correctly and won’t let intruders into the house.

Ensuring everything works

A garage door maintenance service also entails checking all the moving parts for signs of damage and lubricating chains and belts. Proper lubrication will ensure the doors open and close seamlessly, swiftly, and quieter.

Homeowners can perform regular minor inspections without any assistance. The obvious signs to look out for are loose nuts, bolts, and screws or a sudden misalignment of any pieces. The chain and belt shouldn’t have any deterioration and should move smoothly while opening or closing the door. Sudden noises should be investigated and may warrant a call to qualified professionals.

What does a professional check do?

Most commonly, a garage door safety check will double as preventative maintenance. Technicians will inspect the doors, opener systems, and any security features installed for signs of deterioration or faults. They will lubricate the drive mechanism and chains as needed and tighten any loosened parts. The spring system will also be adjusted if necessary, and the entire doors leveled and aligned to ensure they work perfectly.

If you notice any problems with garage door operations like sudden noise or sounds and improper opening or closing, contact a professional service immediately. Garage door malfunctions can be dangerous when handled without prior experience.

Quality Overhead Door, Inc. is a full-service garage door installation and repair company for both residential and commercial customers in the GIlbert area 480-838-8850.


Our new location:

Quality Overhead Door Inc

1750 N. Rosemont., Ste 107

Mesa, AZ  85205

Office: 480.838.8850  Fax: 480.964.9942



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