Why Would Your Garage Door Cables Break?


The garage door cables that lift and lower the doors may weigh hundreds of pounds. These cables provide support and balance and are typically extremely strong. But, despite their strength, they can wear out and even break at times.

What are garage door cables?

Garage users often open and close their garage doors several times a day. It's essential to know how this contraption works to understand why garage cables may break.

Garage doors consist of many parts. Each section is essential for the smooth, easy movement of the door. Garage door springs are an integral part of the mechanism that lifts the door.

Opening or closing the door puts the springs under extreme tension, so heavy cables run through them to protect them from recoiling. However, when one of the heavy cables breaks, it can result in severe damage.

Causes of snapping garage door cables

A cable may break due to age. Like other parts, cables are prone to wear and tear. As they weaken over time, it's only a matter of time before they snap. These cables can also break due to rust that causes corrosion. Unless caught on time, rust can eat through the cable.

Fraying can be another reason for a garage door cable rupture. Like braided ropes, garage cables consist of smaller wire cables wound together. When one of the small cables breaks, it can fray the others such that the whole structure snaps.

Regardless of the cause, a broken cable can cause problems and require the services of a professional garage door company.

Preventing breakage

There are two cable types commonly used in garage doors—lift cables and retaining cables. Lift cables are often installed on doors with torsion springs. They are attached to the door's bottom corner and connect to the torsion springs above, keeping the counterbalance to the system.

Retaining cables are used with doors with extension springs and run along each side of the door. When the springs break, these cables stop them from falling or flying off.

Other than installing the right cables, it's essential to inspect them for potential issues. Look for kinks or fraying and check the pulleys. If there's a frayed area, follow the cable to find the cause for the damage. Ensure that you remove debris and keep the cables lubricant-free, as they attract dirt.

Get professional assistance with your garage door maintenance

If you notice a broken garage door cable, it's best to leave it as is and contact your garage door professionals. Don't open and close the garage door if you don't want to risk more damage.

Quality Overhead Door, Inc. is a full-service garage door installation and repair company for both residential and commercial customers in the GIlbert area 480-838-8850.


Our new location:

Quality Overhead Door Inc

1750 N. Rosemont., Ste 107

Mesa, AZ  85205

Office: 480.838.8850  Fax: 480.964.9942




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